To provide engaging outdoor education lessons for students. To provide facilities and staff for the provision of outdoor education lessons for the students. To develop and maintain the facilities at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre.

Outdoor Education

To foster an increased awareness of outdoor education within specialist schools and the broader community, with emphasis on safety while providing for students.

  • EngagingTo provide engaging outdoor education lessons for students.
  • ProvideTo provide facilities and staff for the provision of outdoor education lessons for the students.
  • DevelopTo develop and maintain the facilities at Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre.
  • FosterTo foster an increased awareness of outdoor education within specialist schools and the broader community, with emphasis on safety while providing for students.
  • SupportTo raise funds to support the aims and maintain appropriate records of all financial transactions.
  • RelationshipsTo develop and maintain mutually productive and rewarding relationships with the residents within the Blackwood Township.

What's your favourite aim?


exceptional outdoor education programs
foster an increased awareness of outdoor education
outdoor education programs for the students