This lesson offers students the opportunity to bring out their inner astronomer by accessing our unique Observatory.
On occasions the night sky above Blackwood is stunning, offering students the opportunity to improve their knowledge of our solar system as they access our telescope, iPads and use their eyes to discover stars, planets, moons and everything outer space.
Blackwood can be cold in the evenings. So rug up because with no roof so you can see beyond planet earth, our Observatory has no heating. However, on a perfect night you will be rewarded with the ability to see:-
- The shapes, terrain and craters of the moon
- While they are still small, you may see planets, including layers and rings
- Look with your eye, then look at the same spot with the telescope and you will see thousands of more stars
Please note - while a full moon is great to see and look at with your eyes, it is NOT recommended viewing through a telescope.
Are you in Blackwood on the perfect night to explore our solar system and discover what is out there? Is the night sky clear? Is the moon visible?
If the answer to these questions are YES, then get ready to go beyond planet earth and discover what our solar system has to offer. To help you prepare and plan your Observatory experience you may like to discover what is available for viewing prior to entering the Observatory.
Enjoy our Observatory, remembering to keep your eyes and your mind open ... as you never know what you'll discover within and beyond our Universe.

Check out the Stars!
Important Information
About this Lesson
Minimum time allocation:
Curriculum learning focus:
SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Relationships and Diversity
SCSE – Self-awareness and Management - Developing resilience, recognition and expression of emotions
History of Observatory at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
2018 - Observatory established
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson)