Morning, Noon or Night - anytime is a great time to sit around the campfire for a chat, song, skit, joke or an opportunity to relax as you stare into the flames of a fire and become captivated by the moment.
Enjoy a campfire anywhere while at Blackwood. At your campsite, on a bushwalk, at a lake or by the river - relax, converse and simply immerse yourself in the atmosphere of life around a campfire. Laugh with friends as you tell funny stories, great jokes or sing songs in the comfort of a campfire. Reflect on what you have experienced, over-come and achieved by immersing yourself in everything that is Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre.
This maybe a rare, or even a first time, opportunity for students to experience and enjoy the ambiance of a campfire, perhaps with a toasted marshmallow, damper, jaffles or even chocolate bananas. Add to the experience of Blackwood Special Schools Outdoor Education Centre by including a campfire opportunity.

That's hot!
Important Information
About this Lesson

Minimum time allocation:
Victorian Curriculum learning area/capability:
ELA – Speaking and Listening - Language for Interaction, Expressing and Developing Ideas
SCSO – Social Awareness and Management - Collaboration, Relationships and Diversity
SCSE – Self-awareness and Management- Recognition and Expression of Emotions
Fire Danger
Click here for the Fire Danger Rating Forecast.
History of Campfires at Blackwood Special Schools OEC
1970 - Campfires established
*Blackwood Staff can never be considered as part of any staff : student ratio during the delivery of any lesson